October Online Learning Opportunities and PPP Update
We have a few timely online learning opportunities to share with you!
New Mediator Course
In this era of strife we love that our friend Kate Otting, a professional mediator, has created several affordable online course packages for becoming a mediator. One thing that distinguishes her course from others is the wealth of practice you get within the mediation labs. Also for a limited time, Kate is offering her programs at very special pricing. Click here to check out options for Kate’s new mediator course.
Tips for Digital Events
Forbes Nonprofit Council gives their best tips for digital events to engage your donors.
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Forgiveness Update
We now have three tiers of PPP loan forgiveness.
EASIEST IF YOU QUALIFY: On October 8th the Small Business Administration (SBA) released a simple forgiveness application small PPP loans. Here’s a link to a post from Stephen Nelson that explains the PPP forgiveness process for loans of $50,000 or less.
NEXT EASIEST: If your PPP loan is over $50,000, you may still qualify for the EZ loan forgiveness application. This process was first announced by the SBA in June. The instructions lay out three criteria under which you can qualify. Here are the links to the instructions and the EZ forgiveness application:
Paycheck Protection Program EZ Loan Forgiveness Application
Paycheck Protection Program EZ Loan Forgiveness Application Instructions for Borrowers
ORIGINAL LONG METHOD: If you don’t qualify for either of the above simplified PPP loan forgiveness processes, then you must use the original form:
Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness Application
Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness Application Instructions for Borrowers
PPPForgivenessTool.com is a free resource developed by the AICPA, CPA.com, and Biz2Credit to assist business owners and their accountants in automating the loan forgiveness application process for their PPP funding.
We are hearing a lot of talk about the potential for PPP loans under $150,000 to be forgiven. Many people, including us, are waiting until after the election to see if this possibility or other relief for small PPP loans comes to fruition. We will keep you posted as we learn more.
Finally, here is a link to an overview of key PPP loan information from the SBA.
October is a perfect time to learn something new and improve your skills!